Country of Origin
United States
Essential Information
Specimen ID
Mineral Name
Chemical Formula
Additional Details
Notes for Researchers
Physical Description
Manganaxinite, with willemite, andradite, hendricksite, franklinite, and minor barite. Very fine but small fluorescent specimen. Axinite fluoresces bright red. The axinite is vuggy. The white mineral in vugs should be checked to identify; it could be barite, or something much more interesting. Also present with the axinite is a fine-grained, sugary-textured, nonfluorescent mineral of very pale green color; this is possibly gahnite. Should check this specimen for deep-red fluorescence under longwave UV (note: deep red, not the cherry red of axinite or the orange-red of calcite). Such fluorescence, if seen, is probably due to grossular. To date (March 2012) there are three known specimens of such red-fl. grossular from Franklin, but probably there are others.