Country of Origin
United States
Essential Information
Specimen ID
Mineral Name
Chemical Formula
Additional Details
Notes for Researchers
Physical Description
One of the key specimens in this collection, scientifically quite significant. Specimen consists of massive hardystonite partly altered to esperite and clinohedrite on a fracture surface. The clinohedrite forms a crystal druse. A shallow vug in the center of the face contains lavender-colored, curved plates of barysilite. The barysilite plates are unusually richly colored and abundant. In the lower right corner of the face (specimen oriented with arrow pointing up), adjacent to the patch of clinohedrite. are small, acicular, nonfluorescent, colorless crystals, of probable larsenite. Also on the fracture face associated with the larsenite is a pink, nonfluorescent, fine-grained mineral that is probably hodgkinsonite. Take care when handling – the microminerals are easily damaged. This is one of the rarest of the Franklin lead-silicate assemblages. Few specimens are known, and this is a fine one.